Help your Struggling
Reader “Get It” And
Make Reading Easier…

Read Faster and Smoother
Is your student reading fast, smoothly, and with 100% comprehension? If not, then now is the best time to make it happen.
Because reading is the number one skill that can positively influence your student’s success in school. (Most of us know that—and want to do something about it!)
You want your student to read well—because you know that so much of your student’s future success rides on the ability to read well.
And you also know this: “Waiting to see if it gets any better” isn’t a strategy that can help your child right now. (And without a change in course, it may never get better… only worse.)
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No More Struggle
To get rid of struggles, read faster, read more smoothly, and remember what was read—you’re in the right place. Here, you can find out what’s holding your student back—and get practical ways to help your child move forward with fluency.
Fluency is all about reading smoothly and quickly. With True North Reading, breaking down reading into its smallest parts, you can find the exact place where your child’s struggling—and fix it.
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Stop Making Mistakes
If you’re like most parents, when your student reads, you see the same mistakes over and over. It’s time to find answers—to solve why it’s happening and get rid of those mistakes now.
Every time your student makes the same mistake, two things happen.
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No More “Guessing”
One of the biggest errors in reading is “guessing.” Student who guess usually are trying to read whole words. But whole word reading is not correct reading. First and foremost, correct reading has to do with decoding. But if a student doesn’t fully “know the code,” then there’s nothing left to do but guess.
With True North Reading, in ways never taught before, your student fully and completely learns the “code” for English. There’s never a need to guess—for any word, ever.
Here’s how True North Reading’s decoding works:
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No More “Misread Words”
If your student is currently misreading words, you can help your child fully read words with True North Reading. The games, activities, and methods of remembering and using Sound Pictures gets rid of misread words.
Even if your student is in the habit of reading “wrong words,” you can get your student reading with specific, clear, and correct words.
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Increase Comprehension & Remember What You Read
Comprehension is critical to reading. Comprehension is reading with understanding—and it’s about fully knowing the meaning of what was read. Without comprehension, a reader is simply speaking sounds without meaning.
Comprehension is a critical part of learning to read. Even with young beginners, here at True North Reading, your child learns…
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“Catch Up” and Move Ahead
If your student is behind, don’t wait to change your reading program and get help. Because being behind is no fun for your child—now and for the future.
If your child is not at grade level reading, now is the time to get help.
With True North Reading, students “go back to move ahead.” Re-learning through Sound Pictures, Sound Boxes, and correct strategies through simple tasks and games gets your student quickly on the right path to great reading… in a way that isn’t boring.
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Enjoy Reading!
To enjoy reading is to open the world for your child.
Whether your child struggles or your child is gifted—reading smoothly, with speed and comprehension, opens doors for your child in school, with learning, and with self-esteem and confidence. With excellent reading, your student can grow more fully, to become all he or she is meant to be.